It was so great to see all of the kids' smiling faces yesterday morning! It was a little hectic getting everyone set up and ready to go but all in all it was a great day. As you probably noticed, I sent home a daily report paper that gave you an idea of how your child did at school that day. I am going to try my absolute hardest to send those home everyday but as you know, sometimes the day gets away and I will have run out of time. I know you all like to know how your son or daughter did at school so again, I will try very hard to get that to you on a daily basis. 

Thank you for your generosity with kleenex boxes and other school supply items. It is always nice to have extra and we should have plenty to last the school year. 

Remember to look at the Important Dates page on this website to keep up with days the kids don't have school. New this year, students get the Thursday before Labor Day off as well as Friday. 

I will try to get a group picture of all of us today. We are missing a couple of students so I may wait until they come to get one so