Whew!!! What a week! With two-2 hour delays, it was very difficult getting back into a routine.  We were still able to learn about the letter Rr and the sound it makes. Some of the kids were able to review some sight words on the smart board too! Here are a few pictures from the week. 
Well this week we kind of took it easy as we eased back into the swing of things at school. We did a lot of whole group lessons in the Panaboard which the kids LOVE! We worked on the letter P and it's sound, writing, and even some basic math!
Santa stopped by our room and delivered some presents for the kids while we were gone. They were able to open the gifts on Monday and they were so excited!
On Friday, for our cooking lesson, we made popcorn from an air popper machine. The kids were so excited to see it pop out. I explained how the small kernel gets very very hot and then pops to make the popcorn. They enjoyed the treat too!